Why Your Ear Itches
While not the most dangerous symptom, an itchy ear can be quite bothersome. There are a number of reasons your ear may be itching as well as a variety of treatment options to sooth the itch. Below are the most common reasons your ear may be itching. You Have an Ear Infection An itchy ear…
Can Stress Lead to Hearing Loss?
Stress is a part of life. While not all bad, high levels of stress have been linked to a number of long-term health problems. Chronic stress can even lead to hearing loss. What Is Stress? Stress is how your body reacts to a potentially dangerous situation. Known as your “fight or flight” response, stress tells…
Now Is the Best Time to Get a Hearing Aid
When your teeth hurt, you go to the dentist, and when your vision is blurry, you go to the eye doctor… What’s so different about treating your hearing loss? The average person waits seven years to seek treatment for a hearing problem, and only one in five people with hearing loss actually wears hearing devices….
5 Cool Things About Hearing Aids
If you’ve been diagnosed with hearing loss in Torrance, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed, anxious and maybe a little depressed. Hearing loss will have a big impact on your life, this is true…but if you’re like most people, you’ll benefit from wearing hearing aids. If you haven’t seen what they can do yet, you’re in for…
What Does an Audiologist Do (Besides Look in My Ears)?
Hearing loss affects about one in five people in Torrance. If you’re one of them, you’ll be spending a lot of time with your audiologist over the years. Understanding the many roles this individual plays will help you know what to expect during future visits. My Audiologist’s Background An audiologist is a medical professional who…