Does Hearing Loss Trigger Alzheimer’s?
Forgetting someone’s name whom you just met or where you put your car keys is a normal part of getting older. But for the more than five million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, their memory loss is much more serious. This type of dementia has been linked to a number of additional health concerns, including…
October is Audiology Awareness Month
Hearing loss can be a confusing experience that leaves you feeling discouraged, frustrated and isolated. October is Audiology Awareness Month, which means now is a great time to learn about life changes that can help make for a better tomorrow. Audiologists, including the experts at , can help identify hearing problems and recommend a treatment…
What to Know Before Your First Audiologist Visit
Most individuals with hearing loss wait an average of seven years before finally seeking treatment. This means their first visit to the audiologist may take place after years of struggling to hear and living with social withdrawal. Making an appointment is the first step toward better hearing, and knowing what to expect from that first…
How Does Loud Noise Lead to Hearing Loss?
More than 48 million people in the U.S. experience hearing loss, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that, of this population, approximately 26 million suffer from permanent damage caused by excessive exposure to noise. So how does sound lead to hearing loss? How the Ear Works The ear is broken down into…
Newborn Hearing Screenings
All 50 states and most U.S. territories fund Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs, which ensure that all babies born with hearing loss get the resources they need to develop speech and language skills alongside their peers. The goal is for all babies to be screened for hearing loss by one month of age,…
Hearing Loss Advice
An estimated 48 million Americans experience hearing loss, but only about one in five seek treatment. Delaying treatment can have devastating impacts on your job, health and relationships, which is why audiologists in Torrance and across the nation recommend early intervention for best outcomes. Know the Risks Hearing loss is a lonely, isolating experience. A…
Mental Health Awareness
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and social distancing make this a challenging time for all. For those with untreated hearing loss, who are at an even greater risk of developing mental health issues, raising awareness and developing a coping strategy is key. Social Isolation A report from the National Academies of Sciences,…
Side Effects of Hearing Loss
The most obvious symptom of hearing loss is a decrease in your ability to hear. But untreated hearing loss can negatively affect more than just your hearing; it can play a part in your physical and mental health. Below are the most common side effects of hearing loss. Decrease in Cognitive Ability Hearing loss deprives…
We know that hearing and communication are essential in a time of emergency. At Torrance Audiology Center, we are able to continue providing hearing health services through this challenging time. We are able to provide a variety of hearing health services through individual appointments, phone calls, emails, and video chat platforms. Please call our office…
Hearing Regulations at Work
We all have a right to be safe at work. But this was not officially mandated until the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. This act outlined a series of guidelines and safety precautions workplaces must adhere to in order to provide their workers with a safe environment; this includes protecting them from hearing…